
The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria is a country in North Africa. Algeria is the tenth-largest country in the world, and the largest in Africa. It is located on the Mediterranean Ocean with Morocco to the west and Tunisia to the east. Only 12% of Algeria’s land mass is inhabited, as 90% of the country is the Sahara Desert. The capital city of Algeria is Algiers, which is also the country’s largest city. More than 42 million people live in Algeria. The official language is Arabic, however people speak Arabic, Berberor French.

To the historical facts, the country was ruled by Romans, Teutons, Byzantines, Spaniards, Turks and French. The 8th and 11th centuries saw the arrival in Algeria of Islam and with it the Arabic language. In 1830, Algeria became a French colony. French colonists modernized Algeria’s agricultural and commercial economy but lived apart from the Algerian majority, enjoying social and economic privileges. In 1954 to 1962, Algeria was engaged in a fight with France for their independence that was bloody and long, resulting in over one million Algerian deaths. The conflict involved many atrocities, including guerrilla warfare, terrorism and counter-terrorism, and torture. November 1 1962, is known as Revolution Day, as that is when they finally won their bid for independence from France. However, a violent civil war took place between 1991 to 2002.

The National Order of Merit is the highest title. It is conferred upon Algerian citizens in recognition of extraordinary public, civil, or military service rendered to the nation, as well as for services rendered to the Revolution. It is also conferred in recognition of meritorious actions and services which have contributed to the international prestige of Algeria. It may be conferred posthumously.


“Algeria Order of Precedence.” Gentleman’s Military Interest Club. Published on September 18, 2011.
“Arab Medals -- Algeria.” Gentleman’s Military Interest Club. Published on February 8, 2007.
Haynes, Edward S. “Medals of the Democratic Popular Republic of Algeria.” International Electronic Phaleristic Encyclopedia. Modified in 2002.
Secretariat général du gouvernement. All relevant government regulations can be accessed online from the Secretariat général du gouvernement.

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