Princely Honour Cross, Military Division, Officer's Cross (in silver gilt)


SKU: 01.REU.0101.202.01.002

Estimated market value:

$1,500 USD

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    Estimated market value:

    $1,500 USD


    • Country
    • Composition
      Silver gilt/Enamelled
    • Inscription
      Rev: H
    • Size


    The Princely Honour Cross was founded by Prince Heinrich XIV on 24 May, 1869 and was conferred upon individuals who rendered outstanding service to the prince and principality of Reuss-Gera. The order could be conferred upon both citizens of Reuss-Gera as well as foreigners.

    The order was originally established for Reuss-Gera (Reuss Younger Line), but following the death of Prince Heinrich XXII of Reuss-Greiz (Reuss Elder Line) in 1902, it was extended to include Reuss-Greiz.

    In 1885, a surmounting crown was added to the I Class Cross, and starting in 1909, all decorations could be awarded with a surmounting crown to indicate special merit. At the same time, the Silver Merit Medal was also added to the order.

    In 1897, the Gold Merit Medal was add ...  ed to the order.

    Beginning in 1909, the decorations conferred for military service were awarded with crossed swords through the centre of the cross, or on the ring above the decoration.

    After 1909, the crown and crossed swords attributes could both be present on one decoration.

    In 1915, a war ribbon was added to the order. Awards with or without swords could be conferred on the ribbon.

    The Officer’s Cross was conferred upon military personnel with at least the rank of Oberstleutnant. It was also upon medical officers and military officials of a similar status.

    The Officer's Cross was not awarded with a surmounting crown.
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