
The Republic of Djibouti is located in Eastern Africa. It is bounded by Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia. Djibouti is the third smallest country in continental Africa, just 942,333 people live there. Djibouti was also known as French Somaliland until 1967. The capital and largest city is Djibouti. The official languages are Arabic and French.

In 1896, Djibouti was declared the French colony of French Somaliland with Djibouti as its capital. With the creation of a railway, the area became very important for France and Ethiopia. In 1967, the country was renamed to the French Territory of the Afars and the Issas. A decade later, the Djiboutian people voted for independence. This officially marked the establishment of the Republic of Djibouti, named after its capital city. On 20 September 1977, the country joined the United Nations. In the early 1990s, tensions over government representation led to armed conflict, which ended in a power-sharing agreement in 2000 between the ruling party and the opposition.

The forces of Djibouti have a troop strength of about 4,000 men. The Order of the Grand Star of Djibouti is the highest decoration.


“Djibouti. ” Gentleman’s Military Interest Club. Published on August 6, 2009.
Haynes, Edward S. “Medals of the Republic of Djibouti.” International Electronic Phaleristic Encyclopedia. Modified in 1999.
République de Djibouti.

All relevant government regulations can be accessed online from the official government website, République de Djibouti.

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